Friday, December 14, 2018

What Are 10 Properties Of Gases?

|Properties of gases|

 The book occupied yesteryear the gas molecules inwards the vessel is real high every bit compared to actual What Are Ten Properties of Gases?


The book occupied yesteryear the gas molecules inwards the vessel is real high every bit compared to actual sizes of the molecules. They create non stimulate got definite volume. The book tin travel increased or decreased.


Gases adopt the shape of the container, but similar liquids

Low densities:

The densities of gases are depression every bit compared to those of liquids in addition to solids.The gases bubble through a liquid in addition to and then they ascent upward due to depression densities.


Gases are completely miscible amongst each other. This is due to their higher kinetic energies in addition to large empty spaces betwixt the molecules. This gratis of the gas molecules is called diffusion. Similarly, gases effuse into
each other.


All gases are easily compressed due to large empty spaces. When the pressure level is applied, the empty spaces are reduced.


Gases tin expand yesteryear heating or yesteryear increasing the available volume.

Joule-Thomson effect:

When precipitous expansion of gases takes place, in addition to then cooling happens. The argue is that unloosen energy of the gas is used upward to brand the molecules to displace apart.


The molecules of the gases are inwards constant country of motion. This collide amid themselves in addition to collide amongst the walls of the container in addition to modify their directions. They exert pressure, when they hitting the walls of the container.

Effect of temperature:

Whenever the temperatures of the gases are increased, they displace to a greater extent than randomly In this way, the kinetic unloosen energy of gas molecules increases.

Intermolecular forces:

Gases stimulate got weak intermolecular forces.

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