Thursday, December 13, 2018

Kinetic Molecular Interpretation Of Solids

Kinetic molecular interpretation of solids Kinetic molecular interpretation of solids

Kinetically the crystalline solids tin live interpreted equally follows:

Attractive Forces:

The attractive forces with the molecules are maximum due to the closest packing of the molecules.


The molecules inward solids are closely packed. Therefore their drive is restricted (limited). As a result, they are stiff inward nature. The molecules cannot displace due to maximum attractive forces betwixt them. However, molecules vibrate most their hateful position.

High density:

The molecules of a crystalline corporation are closely packed. As a result, molecules of corporation occupy minimum volume. As density is inversely proportional to volume, so high density volition live observed due to the minimum book existing betwixt the molecules.


As at that topographic point is no translational drive of particles inward a solid, therefore, at that topographic point are no collisions with the molecules.

Kinetic Energy:

There is negligible translational too rotational kinetic loose energy inward corporation molecules. However, they tin vibrate most their hateful positions. So molecules of corporation own alone vibrational K.E.

Geometric Shape:

The crystalline solids accept definite distinctive geometrical shapes. It is due to the definite too orderly scheme of atoms, ions or molecules inward a three-dimensional shape.

Properties Of Solids:


The diffusion depends upon the velocity of molecules. As the drive of the molecules is really slow. therefore, the diffusion volition live minimum. Had at that topographic point been diffusion inward solids? The centuries-old buildings would accept collapsed inward no time.

Compression (Effect of Pressure):

There is practically no lawsuit of line per unit of measurement area on solids equally the molecules are really closely packed together.
The lawsuit of line per unit of measurement area on solids is expressed inward damage of compressibility (β). This is characterized as, "The diminishing inward book per unit of measurement book when the weight is expanded yesteryear i environment.


The coefficient of expansion (α) is defined equally " the increment inward book per unit of measurement book when the temperature is increased yesteryear 1 ℃." When a corporation is heated, its geometric shape changes until at a surely temperature, it changes into the liquid form. The temperature at which a solid, changes into the liquid shape is called the melting betoken of a solid."

The motility of Molecules:

There is no translational too rotational motility due to the presence of potent intermolecular forces inward the crystalline solid, equally the molecules are already closely packed together However the molecules tin vibrate most their hateful position.

Intermolecular Forces:

In solids, the intermolecular forces are maximum inward betwixt the particles. These are held together inward fixed positions yesteryear a potent attractive force. They tin vibrate alone most their fixed position.

Kinetic Energy Based upon Kinetic Molecular Theory:

According to the kinetic molecular Theory, the attractive forces betwixt the corporation particle are maximum. This is due to the minimum distance betwixt them and, therefore, molecules create non own translation too vibrational kinetic energies. However, they tin vibrate most their hateful position. So they own vibrational kinetic energy.


There are 2 types of solids:

  1. Amorphous Solids: The solids which accept no definite geometric shape are called  amorphous solids e.g. glass, rubber, dust, etc,
  2. Crystalline Solids: The solid, Which has a definite regular too three-dimensional geometric shape are called crystallization e.g. CuSO4. 5H2O   Na2SO4. 10H2O.

Differences betwixt Amorphous too crystalline Solids:

  1. In the crystalline state, The crystals own a definite geometrical construction e.g. NaCl is cubic inward nature. In this amorphous state, the corporation does non accept a definite geometrical construction e.g. glass.
  2. There is a consummate regularity of scheme of atoms, ions or molecules inward a crystalline corporation whereas the atoms, ions or molecules are non arranged inward a regular mode inward amorphous solids.
  3. The crystalline kernel has a abrupt melting betoken piece the amorphous corporation does non accept a abrupt melting betoken too gradually softens on heating. They may live called equally super-cooled liquids e.g. glass, plastic, etc.
  4. In a crystalline substance, H2O molecules are a business office of crystal e.g. FeSO4. 7H2O, CuSO4. 5H2O etc piece the amorphous substances accept no such H2O of crystallization.
  5. In about cases, the coloring of a crystalline kernel is due to the H2O of crystallization e,g, CuSO4. 5H20 is blue. The coloring of crystals fades away inward CuSO4. 5H20 when it is heated.
  6. The amorphous corporation is a liquid is a corporation which softens on heating ultimately they larn mobile over a broad arrive at of temperatures piece the crystalline substances accept no such property.

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