Thursday, December 13, 2018

Characteristics Features Of Covalent Compounds

Characteristic Feature of Covalent Compounds:

 Characteristic Feature of Covalent Compounds Characteristics features of covalent compounds

During the formation of a covalent bonds no ions are produced are therefore really lilliputian mutual attraction exists betwixt molecules. As a number the molecules are easily separated from ane another. Therefore, the covalent compounds are gases or volatile liquids nether normal status of temperature in addition to pressure. Most mutual features of covalent compounds are:

Nature of the Bond:

The bonds are obtained past times mutual sharing of electron in addition to may move intramolecular or intermolecular. The intermolecular forces inwards venture compounds having covalent bonds are weak (Van derwaals’forces) Therefore, the venture compounds are soft in addition to tin mail away move easily broken.

Melting in addition to Boiling Points:

The melting in addition to boiling points are relatively depression due to weak intermolecular forces. If intermolecular forces are larger, the crystals volition move somewhat harder in addition to convey higher melting points e.g., Diamond, SiC etc.


Since covalent compounds hit non incorporate ions they volition non move able to comport oestrus in addition to electricity i.e., they are non-electrolytes.


They are soluble inwards non-polar solvents such every bit benzene, ether etc, exactly insoluble inwards polar solvents such every bit H2O unless around interaction occur amongst the solvent molecules. For example, the solubility of saccharide (a covalently bonded organic compound) inwards H2O (a polar solvent) is attribute to the hydrogen bonding betwixt the –OH groups inwards this organic molecule in addition to water.


Reactions betwixt covalent compounds are generally  much slower than those of ionic compounds because they postulate the breaking in addition to reforming of bonds.

Conditions of Formation:

The covalent molecules are obtained from atoms of the elements having really like ionization potential in addition to electron affinity values. Under such weather condition the possibility for the formation of ionic bond is ruled out.

Directional Character of the bond:

Whereas the ionic bonds are non-directional, the covalent bonds are directional inwards character. Hence private covalent compounds receive definite shapes of their molecules. This factor may besides move responsible for deadening charge per unit of measurement of reaction in addition to may fifty-fifty create upward one's hear the nature of the reaction inwards around cases.

Dielectric Constant:

The dielectric constant (∈, the ratio of the coulombs for a amount compared to that of a vacuum) values of covalent molecules are depression (benzene = 2.3) The molecules of compounds having dielectric constant of unity must convey a dipole instant zero.


More than ane conceivable construction may move achieved land considering the possible distribution of electron betwixt atoms inside a molecules. Out of all the possible electronic structures obtained past times rapid interchange (resonance), the ane which genuinely exists (resonance hybrid) volition receive the minimum expose energy of the system. The minimum expose energy is the criteria of maximum stability. Resonance is really mutual phenomenon occurring inwards organic compounds.

Covalency Maximum:

Sidgwick pointed out inwards 1933 that the maximum number of covalent bonds formed past times an chemical component subdivision would move related to its seat inwards the Periodic Table. Thus carbon, a fellow member of the IVth grouping volition move able to shape iv covalent bonds. Similarly, phosphorus (a fellow member of the Vth group) would move able to shape at the around five covalent bonds in addition to sulphur (a fellow member of the VIth group) would from six covalent bonds. The maximum number of covalent bonds formed past times an atom volition depend upon the number of paired an unpaired electrons introduce every bit good every bit upon the number of vacant orbitals available inwards the atom of that element.

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