Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Acetic Anhydride | Preparation, Properties, Uses |

Acetic Anhydride.

Acetic anhydride, Ethanoic anhydride, is a chemic chemical compound in addition to formula is (CH₃CO)₂O.which is a colorless liquid alongside a potent aroma in addition to odor like to vinegar. It is the anhydride corresponding to acetic acid.
which is a colorless liquid alongside a potent aroma in addition to odor like to vinegar Acetic Anhydride | Preparation, Properties, Uses |

Preparation of Acetic Anhydride. It may live prepared :

(1) By distilling a mixture of anhydrous sodium acetate in addition to acetyl chloride. (Laboratory Method)
which is a colorless liquid alongside a potent aroma in addition to odor like to vinegar Acetic Anhydride | Preparation, Properties, Uses |
(2) By air-oxidation of acetaldehyde inwards the presence of Co-Cu-Acetates at 50-70°C nether pressure. (Industrial Method)
which is a colorless liquid alongside a potent aroma in addition to odor like to vinegar Acetic Anhydride | Preparation, Properties, Uses |
(3) By treating ketene alongside acetic acid.
which is a colorless liquid alongside a potent aroma in addition to odor like to vinegar Acetic Anhydride | Preparation, Properties, Uses |
The ketene is produced past times dehydration of acetic acid using triethyl phosphate every bit a catalyst at 700°C nether reduced pressure.

Properties Of Acetic Anhydride.

Acetic anhydride is a colorless liquid, 139.9°C, sp gr 1.083. It has a pungent abrupt odor. It is sparingly soluble inwards mutual frigidness H2O precisely miscible alongside alcohol, acetic acid, in addition to ether. It gives reactions parallel to those of acetyl chloride, although less vigorously. These bring been discussed nether the full general treatment.

Acetic Anhydride Uses.

Acetic anhydride is ordinarily a to a greater extent than satisfactory Acetylating Agent than acetyl chloride. As such it is used inwards the training of medicines (aspirin) in addition to plastics (cellulose acetate, vinyl acetate).

Acetic Anhydride Molar Mass.  102.09 g/mol
Acetic Anhydride Boiling Point. 139.8 °C
Acetic Anhydride Density. 1.08 g/cm³

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