Saturday, February 2, 2019

Proteins (Questions In Addition To Answers)

Proteins questions in addition to answers.

The article inwards your hand Questions in addition to answers most proteins primarily meant for graduate in addition to postgraduate students of Chemistry amongst the intention that they could demonstrate amend surgery during diverse competitive examinations in addition to interviews held for Civil in addition to Military Services. At the same fourth dimension it is every bit useful for those who wish to last good informed inwards diverse disciplines of chemistry.

primarily meant for graduate in addition to postgraduate students of Chemistry amongst the intention tha Proteins (Questions in addition to Answers)

Q1. What are proteins?

Proteins are complex nitrogenous compounds of high molecular weight formed inwards nature yesteryear condensation of large publish of amino acids through peptide bonds.

Q2. How peptide bond is formed?

The peptide bond is established yesteryear condensation of amino grouping in addition to carboxylic acid grouping amongst elimination of a H2O molecule i.e.,

Q3. What is nature of peptide bond?

There are polar bonds.

Q4. What is amount publish of amino acids found?


Q5. What are major functions of proteins?

  1. They are primal components of all enzymes in addition to some of hormones.
  2. They are structural units of skin, os & cytoskeleton.
  3. The dietry proteins are of import unloose energy sources of body.
  4. Immune defence strength organisation is composed of proteins.

Q6. What is composition of amino acids?

Amino Acids are composed of amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom in addition to a distinctive side chain, all bonded to carbon atom.

Q7. What is acid hydrolysis production of protein?

Amino acids are to a greater extent than oft than non obtained yesteryear hydrolysis of proteins.

Q8. On what factors the type of poly peptide depends?

The type of poly peptide depends upon the number, type & sequence of amino acids involved inwards its structure.

Q9. Write downward the type of proteins on the solid soil of structure?

Proteins are found inwards 3 types of structure.
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternery

Q10. Give distinguishing features of each type of structure?

In principal structure, at that spot is a linear sequence of amino acids. Secondary construction contains poly peptide resulting from hydrogen bond interaction b/w amino acids which are really to a greater extent than or less each other. Tertiary construction refers to polypeptide chains forming complex later coiling in addition to folding. Quaternary construction defines the construction resulting from interactions betwixt split upward polypeptides units having to a greater extent than than ane subunits.

Q11. What are major classes of proteins on the solid soil of functions?

  1. Structural proteins (Collagen)
  2. Storage proteins (Ferritin)
  3. Contractile proteins (Myosin)
  4. Allyl Enzymes
  5. Protective proteins (Fibrinogen)
  6. Transport proteins (Haemoglobin)
  7. Growth hormones
  8. Toxins.

Q.12 What are derived proteins?

These are degradation products of elementary & conjugated proteins e.g., peptides, peptones etc.

Q13. Write downward at to the lowest degree 2 examples of oxygen-transporting proteins.

  1. Myoglobin
  2. Haemoglobin

Q14. What are blood proteins?

These are introduce inwards blood plasma. These include sorum, albumin. glyco proteins etc.

Q.15. How proteins may last separated?

Proteins may last separated yesteryear a publish of agency e.g., dialysis, ultracentrifugation, HPLC, electrophoresis in addition to gel filteration etc.

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