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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query atom-definition-Atom-structure. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Atom Definition | Atom Structure, Isotopic Forms, Electron Layers |

Atom Definition.
 is the smallest structural integral particle forming molecules Atom definition | Atom Structure, Isotopic Forms, Electron layers |

Atom is the smallest structural integral particle forming molecules, ions. The primary structural elements of the atoms are protons, neutrons, together with electrons. Protons together with neutrons are located inwards the nucleus of the atom, together with inwards the outer layers are positioned electrons. All protons together with neutrons inwards the atoms cast a compact atomic nucleus, which focuses 99% of the majority of the atoms, together with is called nucleons.

Atom Structure.

Protons. are positively charged particles. Their size is equal to 1,6 • 10-19 coulombs together with majority 938 MeV / c2 (1,6726231 • 10-27 kg, or most 1836 times larger majority than that of electrons. Protons were discovered inwards 1918 past times Ernest Rutherford. He notices that when fired to alpha particles inwards nitrogen gas scintillation detectors written report that the final result of this exposure is separated hydrogen.

Neutron. has cipher charges. Observed spin equally the proton + -1/2. Outside the substance neutron is unstable. Neutron is classified equally baryon together with comprises 2 lower together with 1 upper quark. The majority of the neutron is characteristics 1.674 927 × 10-27  kg.

Electrons. bring a negative charge. The accuse of the electron is indivisible together with equal to 1,602 189 2 (46) × 10-19 C or -1 unproblematic electrical charge. Mass of the electron is equal to 9.109 558 × 10-28 g. The displace of electrons produces electrical phenomena such equally electricity.

Atoms tin privy be inwards the costless dry reason or last interconnected inwards molecules past times chemical bonds, besides based on electromagnetic forces. The atom alongside an equal release of protons together with electrons is electrically neutral, otherwise, it has a positive or negative electrical accuse together with is called ion. The diverse atoms are classified according to the release of protons together with neutrons inwards the nucleus: the release of protons determines the chemic element, together with the release of neutrons determines the diverse isotopes of the respective element.

Isotopic Forms.

In the nucleus in that location equally protons together with electrons. One atom release of protons corresponds to the series release of the chemical scientific discipline unit. When in that location is a modify of the atomic release of each chemic element, is thence monitored together with its isotopic forms. Isotopes bring the same series number, which agency they bring the same release of electrons inwards the nucleus or correspond the same chemic element. Have a difference, however, inwards the release of neutrons. An event is a hydrogen together with its isotopic forms three: protium, deuterium, tritium.

Electron layers.

The electron musical rhythm out of the chemic elements is total of electrons. Based on the unmarried unpaired, valent external electrons or partly paired, which later a procedure of agitation that is, a machinery of ultraviolet radiations inwards which it is possible to hit the parallelism or influence together with increase the release energy levels tin privy last reacted alongside or thence other chemic element, or alongside same together with to attain formation of the compound. This property, inwards which the chemic elements increase the action together with cast compounds called chemic reactivity.

Electrons constituting the chemic elements are arranged precisely inwards specified layers. The layers are located at dissimilar distances from the nucleus. Each of the available layers has a dissimilar energy. The release energy of the commencement layer which is situated exclusively 2 electrons are lowest. For the commencement fourth dimension a model of Niels Bohr, who described the organization of electrons orbiting.

Each layer, which is available electrons surpasses the previous layer available to a greater extent than release energy because of the contents of electrons inside himself. The final layer inwards which electrons are called external electronic layer or valence. The electrons, which are located inwards the outer electron layer are recorded formulas. As an example, the formula of Lewis.

Importance of Lewis formulas:

In Lewis formulas acquaint unmarried unpaired, valence electrons together with electron twosome paired which are parallel together with of depression energy. Paired electrons participating inwards the formation of connections. Only if in that location is a costless atomic orbital together with a procedure of exposure to ultraviolet release energy tin privy increase the valence electrons to divide mutual electronic connection.

Author. Nidelina Petkova
Location. Bulgaria

Friday, December 14, 2018

Sio2 Construction | Giant Construction Or Of Import Points |

sio2 structure.

 Carbon too silicon bring iv electrons inwards their valence shells sio2 construction | giant construction or of import points |

Carbon too silicon bring iv electrons inwards their valence shells. They are both tetravalent. It agency that the construction of CO2 too SiO2 should move similar. But the construction of SiO2 and CO2 are quite dissimilar from each other.

Difference of structures of CO2 too SiO2:

In CO2, carbon makes double bond alongside each oxygen atom too the molecule is linear triatomic.
                                                   O = C = O
Each molecule of CO2 is a discrete unit. For this argue CO2 exists inwards the shape of a gas. The molecule of CO2 is non-polar.

Reason for giant construction of SiO2:

  1. In illustration of SiO2, the size of the silicon atom is much larger than carbon atom. Greater numbers of oxygen atoms tin surroundings silicon atom. In other words greater seat out of oxygen atoms tin top away the neighbours of the silicon atoms.
  2. Silicon tin brand the unmarried bonds alongside oxygen atom. While inwards the illustration of CO2 double bonds are acquaint betwixt carbon too oxygen.
  3. CO2 molecule is linear. But when iv oxygen atoms link alongside i silicon atom too thence a tetrahedral construction is produced. This tetrahedral construction continues inwards 3 dimensions. In this way a continuous, giant silicon oxygen network extends too a huge crystal of So2 is produced. The shape of this giant molecule is every bit follows: Fig. (1.1)
     Carbon too silicon bring iv electrons inwards their valence shells sio2 construction | giant construction or of import points |

    Some of import points well-nigh the construction of SiO2:

    1. All silicon atom is bonded to iv oxygen atoms.
    2. Every silicon atom is Sp3-hybridized.
    3. All the bond angles some silicon atom are 109.5°
    4. Every oxygen atom is Sp3 hybridized too has 2 lonely pairs on it.
    5. It is a 3 dimensional network structure.
    6. The overall ratio of silicon to oxygen atoms is 1 : 2.
    7. The simplest formula of silica is SiO2.
    8. It is a macromolecule.
    9. The construction is rattling hard too the kernel has rattling high melting too boiling point.
    10. This whole chunk of silica must move considered every bit i molecule.
    11. The atoms of silicon too oxygen at the surface of the chunk exercise non bring their all valencies satisfied. For this argue silica has high surface activity.
    12. There are dissimilar polymorphic species of silica. In each of diverse crystalline forms of silica, in that place is a exceptional designing which is repeated throughout the crystal.
    13. There is a regular tetrahedral scheme of iv oxygen atoms some each silicon inwards each crystalline form. But Si - 0 - Si bond angles too the rotation of the bonds are difficult.

    Silica drinking glass (fused quartz)

    When crystalline silica is heated, it melts. In this way it gives a viscid liquid having a random structure. In this random construction the atoms of silicon are unopen to iv oxygen atoms too each oxygen atom is unopen to 2 silicon atoms.
    When this liquid silica is cooled it is non crystallized readily. It undercooles too finely becomes stiff without having proper orientations of silica too oxygen atoms.

    definition of silica glass:

    This rigid, highly undercooled liquid is called vitrous silica or silica glass. It is besides called fused quartz.

    Thursday, August 8, 2019

    Benzene Construction | Kekule Structure, Resonance Structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |

    Benzene Structure.
    The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C Benzene Structure | Kekule structure, Resonance structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |

    The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C6H6. This formula shows that benzene is a highly unsaturated compound. Various possible structures were suggested for benzene.

    Straight-Chain Structures of benzene.
    If nosotros intend that benzene is an open-chain chemical compound too hence roughly of the next possibilities tin hold upwardly proposed. 
    The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C Benzene Structure | Kekule structure, Resonance structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |


    Anyhow, these structures were rejected due to the next reasons:

    1. Benzene adds exclusively 6 hydrogens too 6 element of group VII atoms to larn inward saturated, but these open-chain structures suggest that 8 hydrogen atoms or 8 element of group VII atoms tin hold upwardly added.
    2. Benzene does non present the reaction amongst alkaline metal KMnO4 which is the best exam of unsaturation.
    3. Benzene does non react amongst bromine H2O which is i of the tests for unsaturated compounds. These facts tell us that at that topographic point is unsaturation inward the benzene but this
      saturation is of a dissimilar variety from alkenes too alkynes.
    4. Benzene gives commutation reactions but similar saturated hydrocarbons. This shows that inward spite of the presence of double bonds the benzene behaves similar a saturated compound.
    5. Benzene gives exclusively i monosubstituted derivative, but the open-chain chemic structures suggest at to the lowest degree 3 monosubstituted derivatives.
    6. The molecular formula for benzene is C6H6. It does non tally to the open-chain hydrocarbons.
    In alkanes, the full general formula is CnH2n+2 . Hence, 6 carbons should convey xiv hydrogens too the formula should convey been C6H14.

    In alkynes, the full general formula is CnH2n-2. Hence 6 carbon atoms should convey x hydrogen atoms too the formula should convey been C6H10.

    Possibility of open-chain ruled out:

    Keeping all these things inward persuasion nosotros tin state that benzene does non belong to opened upwardly chain hydrocarbon. The possibility for the straight-chain construction is ruled out.


    "Kekule Structure of Benzene" inward 1865, later on years of regain of benzene, Kekule suggested that:
    • The benzene molecule is made upwardly of a hexagon of 6 carbon atoms.
    • There are alternate unmarried too double bonds too i hydrogen is attached to each carbon atom.
      The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C Benzene Structure | Kekule structure, Resonance structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |

    Evidence inward favor of band structure:
    The next evidence is at that topographic point which back upwardly the Kekule Structure:
    Benzene adds 3 hydrogen molecules to shape cyclohexane.
    The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C Benzene Structure | Kekule structure, Resonance structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |

    Benzene adds 3 molecules of chlorine inward the presence of sunlight.
    The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C Benzene Structure | Kekule structure, Resonance structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |

    Benzene exclusively gives i monosubstituted derivative. Actually, all the carbon atoms of benzene are alike.

    Benzene gives 3 disubstituted derivatives that back upwardly the Kekule Structure.
    The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C Benzene Structure | Kekule structure, Resonance structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |


    The dissimilar construction which tin hold upwardly written nether dissimilar pairing schemes of a chemical compound is called resonance structures of benzene.

    The ii structures of benzene which convey been mentioned inward a higher house are called resonance structures of benzene. 

    They are besides called contributing structures of benzene. Sometimes they are called canonical contributors, to the actual structure.

    In improver to these ii resonance structures, 3 other structures convey been proposed past times Dewar. They are called Dewar structures.
    The v structures are joined past times double-headed arrows:
    The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C Benzene Structure | Kekule structure, Resonance structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |
    Dewar construction is besides called para-bond structures. The π-bonds between C1 - C4, C2 - C5, C3 - C6 are to the lowest degree favorable. For this reason, these structures III, IV, too V are to the lowest degree contributing, i.e., 7% each towards the resonance hybrid.

    The contribution of Kekule construction (I) too (II) is lxxx % too that of Dewar structures (III), (IV), (V) is xx % to the actual or existent construction of benzene.

    Resonance Energy of Benzene:

    The departure betwixt this experimental too theoretical values of heats of hydrogenation is the total of stability of benzene.
    This is 150.5 kJ·mol−1 is the departure betwixt 385.5 too 208. This total of stability is gained past times benzene, due to resonance. So this 150.5 kJ·mol−1 is called resonance loose energy of benzene.
    Following this diagram makes the thought clear.
    The molecular formula of benzene was suggested to hold upwardly C Benzene Structure | Kekule structure, Resonance structure, Resonance Energy, Properties |

    Definition of resonance energy:

    Resonance energy is the stair out of how much to a greater extent than stable the actual construction of the chemical compound is than its extreme resonance structure.

    The oestrus of combustion too stability of benzene:

    Similarly, it has been calculated that the observed oestrus of combustion of benzene is less than the calculated value. This besides points to the fact that the benzene molecule has less loose energy than cyclohexatriene.

    Substitution reaction too stability of benzene:

    In almost of the chemic reactions, benzene undergoes electrophilic commutation reactions. Benzene prefers to substitute the hydrogen of its band rather than improver reaction at the double bond.

    Properties of Benzene.

    "Physical properties of benzene" too "chemical properties of benzene"

    Physical properties of benzene.

    1. Benzene is a colorless liquid.
    2. Its boiling betoken is 80.1 °C.
    3. Its freezing betoken is +5.5 °C.
    4. It is insoluble inward H2O too forms the upper layer.
    5. It is miscible amongst ether too alcohol inward all proportions.
    6. It is a practiced solvent for fats, resins, sulfur, phosphorus, too iodine.
    7. its specific gravity is 0.884 cm-3 at xv °C.
    8. It is extremely poisonous inward nature. It destroys the cerise too white blood cells.
    9. It burns amongst a luminous sooty flame.

    Chemical properties of benzene.

     The chief types of reactions of benzene are the following:

    1. Electrophilic commutation reactions.
    2. Addition reaction.
    3. Oxidation reactions.